Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 3

Measuring success.

In the month of April and what that entails, I'd really like to know how to measure my progress. That sounds like a good thing for the scale to tell me. However, Chris' words are ringing in my ear, "Anyone that weighs is DQ'd!" So, I hid that evil sucker in the closet to not tempt me. That thing will not break me.

But this challenge is not about the number, but how I feel and really truly sticking to this for 30 days. I have never done that before and want to see what I'm made of.

I thought I'd really miss Diet Coke. That hasn't been too bad, but I'd really like to guzzle a Gatorade or something with flavor. Chocolate milk. Lemonade. Or maybe eat some Milk Duds. Those are awful on your teeth.

It's also been great planning meals out with my hunky hubby. I would say success so far with that. AND he looks good in an apron ;) Measuring success through day 3, Marin = 1. 


  1. the scale lies. the pics don't! keep up the great work champ:)

  2. I, too, love the scale however it feels good to wake up in the morning and not feel the need to weigh. We are much better than any number!
