Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 17

Shoeless Joe Jackson

Feeling pretty good. Maybe jeans a little looser? The sun is out and I'm pulling into my gym parking spot with the radio up ready to rock this workout. Grab my phone and grab my B A G....... darn it! There's no way I left that at home! Yes, I did. 


I call Emily to vent about this "horrible" situation. How will I work out. I can't handle the stress! She's got a tank and pants that I can use. And a fantastic pair of running shoes in size 11. If I had a vice grip that would work, but when you wear an 8.5, you can't fudge size 11 shoes. I've got 3 minutes until the workout party starts. Shoeless? Sockless? What are my options? That shiny new Scheels sign sings to me and off I sprint. I've decided on way in that I must choose wisely from the clearance rack to justify this in my head. I make a straight shot to shoes and didn't even bump over any elderly people. Size 8.5 has two shoe options: one with weird writing on side and one pair of very bright orange, purple and white shoes that were extra 20% off. We have a winner!

I was feeling nervous if I'd be assigned extra burpees for being late walking in at 12:06, but I think my brightly colored shoes distracted them and they joined in the excitement of new shoes. Emily's clothes were a life-saver and I got in full workout. I found myself staring at my shoes and sort of being proud of myself. Somehow, I was a super-ninja shopper with cool shoes. Cracking deals and getting sh#t done.

Life must be pretty good if a gym bag going AWOL is the worst thing that happened today. I suppose I better return those wicked shoes. Or should I?

Thank goodness for great friends! And a great place to workout! 

Day 17 = I didn't even mention food today. :)

1 comment:

  1. Don't take them back!! They are awesome... #brightshoeshelpwithboxjumps
