Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 27


The people you are around the most influence you the most. The coaches at the gym have mentioned this so many times and it is so true. I am definitely influenced by that crew. During the last 27 days, I really have relied on others going through this challenge, what to do when this or that happens and have found some great recipes from the coaches and those around me there.  Have also sent late-night texts to Emily and Becky to keep me on track! To all of you, I THANK YOU! 

It has also been fun to watch it at home with our boys and how this has influenced them and gotten them to try many new things. Sure they don't like them all, but proud they have given it the chance.

At the beginning, the days seemed to move slow but looking back now it has really flown by. This really wasn't that hard. I have gained a lot of awareness about food and about myself and maybe the need for a new pair of jeans ;)

Three more days is nothing. And my husband said he doesn't even want to stop. Maybe we'll keep going?  I am going to have a Summer Shandy next weekend and it will be delicious! 


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